About Sprout

Registered Social Worker

Registered social worker with years of experience as a counselor, crisis worker, and system navigator.


We aim to use gender neutral language, ensure BIPOC communities are represented while delivering content in comprehensive language.


We seek to progress shared knowledge to bring as many people as possible closer to personal wellness, healing, and growth.

Personal Growth

We aim to de-stigmatize and normalize many parts of personal growth and mental healthcare Providing content that speaks to parts of learning that often gets overlooked.

Why We Were Inspired To Create Sprout

Providing frontline support as a crisis worker and therapist, having the perfect worksheet has always been invaluable to my clients.

As services shifted to virtual, providing paper copies to people became less practical. Myself and my colleagues would talk about how nice it would be to have a place with all the worksheets we needed in pdf form ready to be sent out while also being able to print as needed.

Although there are some available, they are often outdated or use language that can make them resonate less with clients from various backgrounds, or they are content heavy making them hard to digest for a brain in crisis.

The worksheets we have used in our practice we always wished we could update, or tweak in some way to make them a better fit for our client, and this often lead me to make my own resources for personal practice.

In sharing this with colleagues and friends I was encouraged to develop this into a business and make my products available for purchase. This is how Sprout was born, and we’re hoping to grow strong and mighty alongside the people who use our resources.